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Super Easy AI Installer Tool

Sep 14, 2023
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SD 1.5
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diSty's Avatar

One SEAIT to Install Them, One Click to Launch Them, One Space-Saving Models Folder to Bind Them All.

"Super Easy AI Installer Tool" (SEAIT) is a user-friendly project that simplifies the installation process of AI-related projects for users. The tool is designed to provide an easy-to-use solution for accessing and installing AI projects with minimal technical hassle to none.
Tested on Windows 10+ and Nvidia GPU-based cards

SEAIT Dev Build available for public download

This version hasn't been released here or on GitHub because it contains some significant changes that could disrupt functionality. It's still under development and might not yet provide best user experience.

I've had a bit of a strange month due to some personal circumstances and

recently, updates have slowed down due to a temporary issue with hardware access.

However, this issue is on its way to being resolved, and I will get back on track and resume frequent updates. This change will also open the door to integrating more advanced features into the SEAIT.

If you like what I'm doing and wish to assist, you can do so at

Your support will contribute to improving and accelerating the development, and enhance the Super Easy AI Installer Tool (SEAIT) to be better and more efficient. This will help you access to the latest and best open-source projects with the fewest possible clicks.

As always, SEAIT will be available for public download, with major versions continually being released here and on GitHub. However, I'll initially release minor versions featuring new or experimental functionalities on Patreon.

Don't worry if you can't contribute right now - after a while, these minor versions will also be available to the public on Patreon.

Rest assured, these minor versions will be incorporated into the major versions, which will always be available to the public.

For more info about SEAIT


  • A series of video tutorials on how to correctly set up and use SEAIT.

  • Improved Projects layout with categories

  • Improved Project layout with more custom settings

  • Additional tools in the toolbox

  • Projects will update remotely, eliminating the need to wait for the app to update.

  • Ability to add custom projects.

I'm also planning to release two of my older projects:

An interface for SimSwap that allows for face swapping images or videos, among other features.

An video editor that utilizes Google's MediaPipe. This project can segment videos based on person detection, face detection, or face angle. It helps extract scenes with humans, scenes without humans, scenes without a face, scenes with a face, and faces at specific angles. Additionally, it allows you to stitch these segments back together.

Please note, these older projects will require updates before release, which will take some time...

Expect video demos within the week.

There's a lot on the plate. Let's go!

Don't forget to leave a like or a star.


False Positive Virustotal Antivirus Programs.

Please note that Virustotal and other antivirus programs may give a false positive when running this app. This is due the use Pyinstaller to convert the python file EXE, which can sometimes trigger false positives even for the simpler scripts which is a known issue

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to handle these false positives. However, please rest assured that the code is transparent on

I would rather add features and more AI tools at this stage of development.


Download the "Super Easy AI Installer Tool" at your own discretion.


  • Support for multiple languages [x]

  • Adding more projects [x]

  • Customizable project directory [x]

  • User-defined arguments [x]

  • Saving argument configurations [x]

  • In-app update feature [ ]

  • Potential argument profile management [ ]

  • Better event handling [ ]

  • Pre-installed auto1111 version [ ]

  • Fully independent version without Python or Git dependencies [ ]

    See the [Project/Feature Requests]( for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).